Five Questions. Five Answers. And One Big Decision: Rock, Paper, Or Scissors?
LOL: The End.
Keep It Movin’ Productions
Come to a place where tragedy meets comedy meets stupid. A funny and physical look at natural and human-made disasters through the eyes of three clowns. Award-winning writer/performer Una Aya Osato is joined by her family, Michi Osato and Yoshimasa Osato.
Show Times:
- Fri 2/24 @ 10:30pm
- Sat 2/25 @ 2:30pm
- Tue 2/28 @ 10:30pm
- Fri 3/2 @ 7:00pm
- Sun 3/4 @ 7:00pm
Answers by
Una Aya Osato (co-playwright/co-performer)
and Michi Ilona Osato (co-playwright/co-performer)
Karen Tortora-Lee’s Question
That’s some title. How did you come up with it – and what does it mean?
The Osatos: LOL: The End is a funny and physical look at natural and human-made disasters seen through the eyes of three clowns. Overwhelmed by the magnitude of destruction we all live with, our family looked to clowns with the hope that by allowing the “idiot” to interpret for us, that we would be better able to understand disaster and find the ways that still remain to come out hopeful and laughing. LOL: The End as a title came about through a back and forth juggling of the ideas of the show between us sisters. Natural disaster, apocalypse, human created unjust catastrophes, the media, the future, hope…ultimately LOL: The End made the most sense.
Diánna Martin’s Question
If you were going to invite five people, anyone from past and present, to see your FRIGID show – who would you invite and why?
The Osatos: We’d put on the VIP list:
Our Obachan (grandmother), she lives in Japan, and is the most graceful, loving, thoughtful person we know. We want her to see this show because she inspires us in all we do, including creating and performing this show. Also our grandmother on our mother’s side, we never met her, but this would probably be a great way to meet and get to know each other.
Paul Robeson, a true renaissance person, a brilliant artist, activist, and athlete (among many other things), and always found a way to bring all of these elements of his life together. A quote we love of his: “The artist must elect to fight for slavery or freedom. I have made my choice.”
Charlie Chaplin, his work has kept us laughing and inspired for some time now, I mean duh he’s a genius. And his grandson James Thiérrée, who we’ve had the privilege of witnessing his wonder and has pushed us to imagine beyond all we can see to create the worlds we want.
Naomi Klein, her work The Shock Doctrine has really informed and inspired our work, oh we’d be so honored to have her at the show.
All of these people we’d be so excited to be there, can you all invite them??? :)
Antonio Minino’s Questiona
What is the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made for your Art and was it worth it?
The Osatos: The biggest sacrifice I and we have made for our art has been working on this show, and making the choice to work so intensely together as a family. There are many people who would never try to create and perform a show with their family while also living all together for the first time in years. Like a family vacation, spending all of this time and having these experiences together has had it’s challenges but has ultimately been incredible. Individually and as a group, we have continued to learn and grow every moment we have been working on this show. Though we have made this show a priority and have sacrificed the rest of our lives and time to work on this project, it’s been worth every second.
Geoffrey Paddy Johnson’s Question
Was there any unexpected discovery made during the development of this production and, if so, can you share it?
The Osatos: Something that has been unexpected is how the project has just grown and grown and gathered more and more of our family. It has been our closest friends and family who have been helping with every aspect of the show. It seems like there is a place and need for everyone’s talents and we are SO grateful to everyone’s kindness and generosity! This show is being made through a collaboration of love by a huge family that spans continents and we are so extremely excited to begin sharing it with audiences at the FRIGID NY Festival.
Michelle Augello-Page’s Question
What do you hope the audience receives from the experience of seeing this show?
The Osatos: Joy! Love! Laughter! Hope! Thought! Thinking! Anything/Everything!
Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH
THM Bonus Question – We’re serious this year!
In the THM virtual Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH which FRIGID Show do you take on? And what do you throw?
The Osatos: Rabbit Island is the play we’d play, and we’d throw paper.
Very smart choice, Una and Michi! Because while your opponent, Rabbit Island threw SCISSORS and struck you down in the Tournament of Deaaaaath you still have two more rounds to go …
Round two is Love in the time of Chlamydia who challenged everyone and threw ROCK. That’s a WIN!
Round three is Initium/Finis who also challenged everyone and threw ROCK … another WIN!
Ding Ding Ding! Do a victory lap Una and Michi because you got 2 victories out of 3 rounds!
Thanks LOL: The End for participating in The Happiest Medium’s FRIGID New York Festival 2012 Q&A. And for playing our game! Here’s the part where I usually say”You’re officially PAPER in any and all challenges. You may win, you may not – who knows! This is how it works in the crazy world of the Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH!” but I don’t have to say that anymore becuase YOU were the LAST of the FRIGID Q&As!!! SO– FROM EVERYONE HERE AT THE ROCK PAPER SCISSORS TOURNAMENT OF DEAAAAATH: LOL: THE END!
LOL: The End. Company: Keep it Movin’ Productions Directed by: Moises Belizario & Una Aya Osato Feb 24, 7:00PM Feb 25, 2:30PM Feb 28, 10:30PM Mar 02, 7:00PM Mar 04, 7:00PM $15.00 The Kraine Theater
The 2012 FRIGID NEW YORK FESTIVAL will run February 22-March 4 at The Kraine Theater & The Red Room (85 East 4th Street between 2nd Ave and Bowery) and UNDER St. Marks (94 St. Marks Place between 1st Ave and Ave A). Tickets to all shows may be purchased online at www.FRIGIDnewyork.info or by calling Smarttix at 212-868-4444.
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