In she walks wearing one of New York based Dominican fashion designer Peter Hidalgo‘s latest creations for Spring/Summer 2012, a turqouise Mosquito dress that asserts her readiness to conquer the world and create all opportunities. She has a lot to celebrate, a dream come true to most artists and even bigger accomplishment for someone ... Read The Full Article...

In an era of virtual reality the prospect of visiting an exhibition dedicated to products of designer craft presents a salutary experience. Here, at least, one can be assured of an encounter with the visual imagination made tangible; ideas translated into something that can be touched, held, worn, or reclined upon. The exhibition DUBH ... Read The Full Article...

The other day I was walking by myself, minding my own business down Riverside Park, trying to have some me time with . . . well . . . me, and I noticed these pianos just lying there unattended. So I snapped a shot and did some snooping around, and found out about a fantastic ... Read The Full Article...

One to one, one at a time, all of the time, thousands of keys will be bestowed by thousands of people on thousands of citizens for thousands of reasons that deserve to be recognized. Keys to cities are traditionally given by a mayor to a hero or dignitary, symbolizing that they can have free entrance ... Read The Full Article...

By all accounts the Come Out and Play festival was a huge success. And we’re pleased to say that The Paper Plane Derby (featured earlier on THM) was winner of the Best Family Game! CONGRATULATIONS! Our very own Stephen Tortora-Lee was an eager participant in the derby and wound up bringing home “Most Innovative Design”; his ... Read The Full Article...

Tell me the truth . . . Paper Airplanes – Origami for Americans or just a clever way to send the math test answers across the room? America’s favorite paper company, Dunder Mifflin, used the Paper Airplane in the director’s cut of their paper commercial, and everyone’s favorite engineer – Dilbert – has one in ... Read The Full Article...

Living in New York, flanked by some of the best museums of the world we often tend to forget that our city is home to some of the best small collections as well. Last Sunday I spent some time reacquainting myself with the Frick Collection and I was reminded just how much I enjoy this ... Read The Full Article...

It’s creeping up, you can tell by the rainy days and not-so-freezing weather. There’s also that mixed fashion I so love in Spring and the month of April; half the population is braving the still somewhat crisp temperatures and taking off the layers and boots, while the other is still hiding behind the winter parkas ... Read The Full Article...

“Through the magic of Leprechauns, Papa Smurf, Michael J. Fox, and all other things small, we make wee-sized, delightful stuffed animal versions of you.” That’s how the masterminds over at “I Am A Stuffed Animal” describe their ingenious service. The reason why it is ingenious is because they are bringing custom made stuffed humans to ... Read The Full Article...

All screenings in Tishman Auditorium The New School, 66 West 12th Street 7:30–9:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. April 6 ANNIE HALL Dir. Woody Allen, 1977 Introduced by JUDITH THURMAN Reception precedes screeningWoody Allen’s classic tale of New York City romantic neuroticism stars Diane Keaton in the era-defining title role. Introduced by Judith Thurman, ... Read The Full Article...
![Paradise h2_06.1046[1]](http://thehappiestmedium.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/h2_06.10461.jpg)
…then wilt thou not be loth To leave this Paradise, but shalt possess A Paradise within thee, happier far. -John Milton One day, a few years back, wandering confused and aimless as I often did when I first moved to New York, I found Paradise. It was another month or so, though, before I realized ... Read The Full Article...

Press Release from New York Center for Independent Publishing: New York served as the model for Gotham City, inspired Will Eisner as he created the noirish adventures of The Spirit, and became a recurring character during the 1960s resurgence of Marvel in comics such as Spider-Man and Iron Man. Comics expert Peter Gutiérrez will moderate a high-energy round-table on the relationship ... Read The Full Article...