Who wouldn’t want to read a book with a subtitle as searing and juicy (yes, I’m going for a steak vibe here) as “A Story of Marriage, Meat, and Obsession“?
One part of Julie Powell‘s life has just been immortalized on film in “Julie & Julia“, but Ms. Powell has a lot more memoir in her, and Cleaving tells the tale of her marriage, her infidelity, and her journey to learn to cut meat (um … I don’t think I need to point out the subtext there) the way the experts do from the butchers at Fleisher’s Meats (“We follow a nose-to-tail cutting program so we use every part of the animal” their website boasts.)
If you like free events, listening to racy passages read aloud, and meat, then by all means get yourself over to Brooklyn Kitchen Labs and hear Ms. Powell reading selected passages from Cleaving, while enjoying some Meat Hook sausages and wine. The event is free and open to the public – though I would assume vegetarians may want to eat before attending.
Cleaving reading with Julie PowellBrooklyn Kitchen Labs
Meat snacks and wine
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