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BREATHE LOVE REPEAT: a near-life experience

  Suzen Murakoshi‘s self-authored, one-woman performance, Breathe, Love, Repeat, presently playing at Under St. Marks as part of this year’s Frigid New York Festival, is an autobiographical recounting of her last days with her mother. For anybody this might represent a daunting theme, vast, self-examining, possibly too much. But Murakoshi has an imaginary alter ego to ... Read The Full Article...


Five Questions.  Five Answers.  And one big decision: Rock, Paper, or Scissors?     BREATHE LOVE REPEAT:a near-life experience Produced by: The Mustique Projects A samurai super daughter struggles with her mother at the crossroads between east and west to affirm life between this world and the next. Show Times: Wed. 2/22 @ 10:30pm Fri. ... Read The Full Article...