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Lysistrata Rape Play

There’s nothing funny about rape.  I mean … is there?  No.  Of course not.  It’s brutal, vicious  and terrifying, a crime that makes no sense, can be difficult to prove, and  - even in today’s society – leaves the victim stigmatized.  In fact, most victims are embarrassed to report their rape, let alone discuss it – ... Read The Full Article...


  Sure, Mariah MacCarthy’s new play, Magic Trick, is full of sexy goodness, what with its burlesque routines, girls kissin’ boys, girls kissin’ girls, full on nekkid scenes and all the steamy, flirty, hungry passion that can erupt between two (or three) people caught in a windstorm of lust and love and like and leaving. ... Read The Full Article...


  There is a very telling moment which comes two thirds of the way into Mariah MacCarthy’s play The Foreplay Play which is currently being produced by CAPS LOCK THEATRE  at a site-specific location (WAY off-off Broadway) in Williamsburg.  This dramedy about the tension which builds between two couples as they tentatively (and sometimes not so tentatively) lay ... Read The Full Article...