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The Happiest Ads
The Happiest Ads

Daniel McCoy

Those who are even remotely familiar with the Off and Off-Off-Theatre scene in New York have, by this point, either heard of or seen work by the New York Neo-Futurists. The company, whose work has awarded them the New York Innovative Theatre Foundation‘s Caffe Cino Fellowship and the respect of critics and audiences alike, is ... Read The Full Article...



You can tell it’s Fringe Season when theatres ’round the city are suddenly bustling with life at odd hours of the day and escorting people in and out quickly so they can strike a set and get ready for the next show which is happening in, oh, about a minute.  Yes, it’s all about endings ... Read The Full Article...

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New York Fringe Festival 2009

Unless you’ve been living outside of New York City for the last decade or so, chances are you’ve either attended a Fringe show yourself, or you’ve at least heard about the festival.  ”Fringe”, of course, means The New York International Fringe Festival and it is the largest multi-arts festival in North America, with more than ... Read The Full Article...