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Fringe 2011

Earlier this week FringeNYC announced the 2011 Overall Excellence Award Winners and we at THM couldn’t have been happier to celebrate with the winners and congratulate them on their success.  One standout for me was The Bardy Bunch: The War of the Families Partridge and Brady which was definitely one of my favorites this year.  ... Read The Full Article...


  The mother/daughter dynamic is a convoluted one – speaking myself as a daughter who has both benefited from the advice of a strong willed woman while at the same time fought to get out from under the weight of Mother’s somewhat (shall we say) “insistent” personality.  So, for me, Mary-Beth Manning’s Mother she’s with you wherever ... Read The Full Article...


  Here’s the story … of The Bardy Bunch: The War Of The Families Partridge And Brady. It’s 1974 and two families, one Brady, one Partridge are at war.  Their battlefield exists in cancelled sit-com land and their weapons consist of killer dance moves, cut throat ballads and production numbers meant to slay you in ... Read The Full Article...


When I was scanning the list of Fringe shows that I intended to review this year my heart gave a little leap when I saw that PigPen would be returning again this year with The Mountain Song.  True, I’m probably not supposed to have a favorite before I even see the show, but after being ... Read The Full Article...


  Oh, you’ll love walking into the theatre at Dixon Place to watch I Light Up My Life: The Mark Sam Celebrity Autobiography – Mark Sam Rosenthal’s (Celebrity!) solo show.  The music is cranking with such anthems as The Pussycat Dolls “When I Grow Up”, Katy Perry’s “Firework” and Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” and ... Read The Full Article...

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Nothing gets us more excited at THM than a festival, and when it comes to festivals, Fringe is the one we wait for all year … the way other people wait for Christmas.  Silly, silly Christmas-waiting people.  Sure, getting presents is fun … for a while.  But running around from theatre to theatre seeing what ... Read The Full Article...