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Lauren Hennessy

It’s no secret that Mariah MacCarthy’s beautiful Ampersand: A Romeo & Juliet Story struck a deep chord with me; I loved so many things about it.  For me it was one of the highlights of this season’s Fringe Festival.  So when the wonderful Lauren Hennessy was the recipient of an award for overall excellence for ... Read The Full Article...


We’re thrilled to pass along the Overall Excellence Award Winners for 2011 FringeNYC.  Some of our very favorite shows and performers are being celebrated and we’re so thankful that we were able to experience these talented performances this year.  Congratulations to all the winners! *** August 28, 2011 — Winners of the 2011 FringeNYC Overall ... Read The Full Article...


Ampersand: A Romeo & Juliet Story (written by Mariah MacCarthy, directed by Amanda Thompson)  is just that … “A”  Romeo & Juliet story – not a 100% faithful retelling of THE Romeo and Juliet story.  First of all, Romeo and Juliet are both women.  So, right away, by making this a gender-issue play and bringing ... Read The Full Article...

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    There are so many ways that the notion of gender can be fucked with (or – to continue a theme “f*cked” with) that the idea of throwing it all up there on the  stage and cabareting the hell out of is an appealing one.   Mariah MacCarthy’s The All-American Genderf*ck Cabaret (directed by ... Read The Full Article...