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The Wo(Man) In The Window

by Antonio Miniño on November 13, 2009

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Bergdorf Goodman ©Antonio Minino

Bergdorf Goodman ©Antonio Minino

Name: Carolina Davis
Occupation: Choreographer
Age: 34
Zodiac: Scorpio
Favorite Restaurant: Shake Shack, Upper West Side, NYC
Longs for: comfortable stilettos.
Fears: foot injury.
Beliefs: fashionable women are smarter than you think.
Where is she going: shopping ahead for Lady Gaga‘s concert at Radio City Musical Hall.

Dress and gloves available at Bergdorf Goodman.

The Wo(Man) In The Window is a fictional non-factional profile.
Any resemblance to real people is completely coincidental.
In the event of a coincidence then you are fabulous.
We should meet for cocktails.

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