As the recently appointed Vice-Chair of Maieutic Theatre Works-MTWorks I’m honored to be (just a small) part of the very talented team that brings The National NewBorn Festival to life.
Please join me tonight for the first in the series of free readings dealing with such hot topics as: immigration, sexuality, war and freedom.
All readings will take place at:
The City College of New York
138th Street at Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY
**Resident Reading**
by MTWorks Artistic Director David Stallings
directed by MTWorks Resident Director Cristina Alicea
A satirical comedy that dissects the trickled down effect of Gov. Jan Brewer’s immigration bill in Arizona.
Thursday, February 3rd at 8:30pm
The Aronow Theater (First Floor)
by Jacqueline Goldfinger (Pennsylvania)
directed by Dev Bondarin
A cannibalistic dark comedy about aging, set in a cozy B&B in the South.
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