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Maieutic Theatre Works-MTWorks

As part of the Board of Directors of MTWorks I’m really proud to be involved with the National Newborn Festival. Part of my job was to help choose the Excellence in Playwriting Award (see below for the winner!) and this year I’ll be introducing one of the plays — but I won’t tell you which ... Read The Full Article...


    It’s astonishing that with all Liat Ron and Shelly Feldman have in common they haven’t met already.  They are both talented Israeli-American women working in theater in New York and happen to have shows which are opening presently.   But even though the world of Off-Off Broadway is a small one there’s still ... Read The Full Article...


If you’ve never directed a show you probably don’t have any idea how many things need to be juggled, handled, addressed, discussed, solved, finessed, smoothed out, put in order  … it boggles the mind.   I asked my beloved friend Antonio Minino to tell me what a random day is like for him as he ... Read The Full Article...

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As the recently appointed Vice-Chair of Maieutic Theatre Works-MTWorks I’m honored to be (just a small) part of the very talented team that brings The National NewBorn Festival to life. Please join me tonight for the first in the series of free readings dealing with such hot topics as: immigration, sexuality, war and freedom. All ... Read The Full Article...


There are two kinds of die hard New Yorkers.  Those who were born here and will never leave, and those who came here to escape small towns . . . and will never leave.  If you’re reading this, chances are you’re one of those two, and if you’re the latter then Barrier Island will remind ... Read The Full Article...



You can tell it’s Fringe Season when theatres ’round the city are suddenly bustling with life at odd hours of the day and escorting people in and out quickly so they can strike a set and get ready for the next show which is happening in, oh, about a minute.  Yes, it’s all about endings ... Read The Full Article...

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