Ye Elizabeths
Benefiting: Girls, Inc.
Produced by Easter Punny Productions
Written & Performed by Alicia Barnatchez and Erin Leigh Schmoyer
Directed by Leah Bonvissuto
“Elizabeth and Elizabeth are historical re-enactors, on a low-rent version of Plimoth Plantation. When it goes the way of the buffalo, they must learn how to marry their Pilgrim lives to modern times. Their answer? Reality TV. So, update your smallpox vaccine, hop aboard this multi-media Mayflower, and prepare to get colonized…again!”
Show Times:
- Sat 6/2/12 – 5:00pm
- Thur 6/7/12 – 7:00pm
- Fri 6/15/12 – 8:30pm
- Sat 6/16/12 – 3:00pm
- Tue 6/19/12 – 8pm
Answers by Alicia Barnatchez & Erin Leigh Schmoyer (writers/performers/producers)
Karen Tortora-Lee’s Question
How did you come up with the title for your show?
Alicia & Erin Leigh: The title came from our protagonists both being names Elizabeths, (as was true of many a Pilgrim lady settler).
Diánna Martin’s Question
If you were going to invite 5 people (from the past or present) to see your show – who would you invite … and why?
Alicia & Erin Leigh: William Bradford to see if he enjoyed the way we repped his pilgrim people. Beatrice Arthur, Estelle Getty, Rue McClanahan & Betty White, because they’re the golden girls.
Antonio Minino’s Question
What is the biggest sacrifice you’ve made for your art and was it worth it?
Alicia & Erin Leigh: We feel like any sacrifices we may have made along the way pale in comparison to those of our Pilgrim settlers, who risked everything, including their lives to find new hope for freedom in the new world.
Geoffrey Paddy Johnson’s Question
Was there any unexpected discovery made during the development of this production and can you share it with us?
Alicia & Erin Leigh: We were surprised and psyched that we were able to write songs without the ability to play musical instruments.
Michelle Augello-Page’s Question
What do you hope the audience receives from the experience of seeing this show?
Alicia & Erin Leigh: A reminder that even in your bleakest moments, the ability to laugh can give you hope, and that you should let your best friend know just how much she or he means to you. You’d be a quivering mass of jello without her!
Planet Connections runs from May 30 – June 24 at The Bleecker Street Theater located at 45 Bleecker Street, New York, NY. To purchase tickets to this or any of the shows click here.
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