Ten Questions. Ten Answers. And One Big Decision: Rock, Paper, Or Scissors?
I Shall Forget You Presently
The Dysfunctional Theatre Company
Safe upon the solid rock the ugly houses stand
Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand!
Funny and sexy, sacred and profane — Poetry, music and memories form a patchwork, spiraling through the life of Edna St. Vincent Millay – a woman who captured love, defined feminism and shaped the 20th century.
Show Times:
- Wed 02/19 @ 8:40pm
- Sat 02/22 @ 3:40pm
- Fri 02/28 @ 8:40pm
- Sun 03/2 @ 6:50pm
- Thu 03/6 @ 5:30pm
Answers by Amy Overman
1. Your tag line is out there on postcards and press releases so we know the PR version of what this play is about. But when you talk to your family and friends, how do you explain the show to them?
AO: Our play is based off the poems, life and other writings of Edna St. Vincent Millay. If you’ve never read her, she wrote some of the most beautiful, funny, sexy poems of the 20th century.
2. Here’s a scenario: After the show some audience members go have a drink. What’s the part of the show you hope they’re discussing?
AO: The poetry. We all really want more people to realize just how amazing Edna was. But I think people will be talking about the scene between Edna and her sister Norma where they darn socks and teach themselves to swear – stitch/shit, stitch/fuck… you get the idea.
3. What drives your show – character, theme or plot?
AO: Character, definitely. Then theme. Plot is not a big part of our show.
4. In rehearsals, read-thrus, or prior incarnations, what’s the one thing someone said about the show so far that made you (or the team) the most proud?
AO: The show began as a 10 minute piece as part of the Tiny Theater Festival at The Brick in Williamsburg and my favorite thing one of our audience members said was that it was lovely. We’ve tried to keep that lovely dreaminess from the original show and add on to that. It started as four actresses in a 6x6x6 box – and now we’ve expanded to a cast of 8 actresses and actors (including performers doubling as musicians), 60 minutes in length and taking up the whole stage at the Kraine. Also as it got bigger the show got a lot funnier.
5. Let’s fantasize for a moment. Let’s take the “off-off” off. Imagine this show is on Broadway. Would that change the production itself?
AO: We would love to have a huge elaborate set with things flying in and rolling on and off stage. The whole show is so surreal that being able to have a table or a sheep appear out of nowhere would be so fun. Also costumes. The time period goes from around 1912 to the 1940′s – so fabulous vintage costumes, preferably with lots of beads and sparkles, wigs, jewelry… I have to stop thinking about it now before I start drooling.
6. Taking that one step further – after paying everyone what they’re worth of course, what is the most lavish, luxurious, pointless thing you would spend money on if there was no constraints?
AO: Well, I think I pretty much already answered that – maybe we could all have real jewelry? And new, top notch instruments for all of our musicians? I think they’d like that. Hell, we could probably use it to have a few dedicated musicians too.
7. Is there a scene, a moment, a gesture … anything at all in the show that you anticipate may get a completely different reaction depending on the audience that night?
AO: I have a line where I say “This is a play about shepherds.” and our director always cracks up. I am 90% sure that the audience will never find this line as funny as he does.
8. What’s your favorite line from the show?
AO: My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my friends, and oh, my foes –
It gives a lovely light!
(First Fig by Edna St. Vincent Millay)
9. Is the world of this play sustainable outside a theatre? In other words … do you think people live the way the characters do? Would you want a world where they do?
AO: Yes and no. Our play is based on real people and real events, but the actual world of the play itself is not very realistic – unless the people you know regularly break into song, poetry and profanity.
10. You scan the audience and you see a face that stops you dead in your tracks – who is it? And why are you shocked?
AO: Edna and Norma. I’m shocked because they’ve both been dead for some time, but I’m thrilled because I think they would love the piece.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH
In the THM virtual Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH which FRIGID Show do you take on? And what do you throw?
CHALLENGES: Boogie of the Apes.
THROWS: And I’d throw paper. The apes would be totally confused by it.
CHALLENGED BY: The Canuck Cabaret.
Well – I Shall Forget You … You are in LUCK! Very very very big LUCK! Because not only did Apes throw rock giving you the WIN but Canuck Cabaret who took on EVERYONE threw ROCK as well giving you ANOTHER WIN!!!! That’s NO losses, NO draws, and TWO WINS!!!! Ding Ding DIIIIING!!!! Do your victory dance, you’ve earned it!
Thanks I Shall Forget You Presently for participating in The Happiest Medium’s FRIGID New York Festival 2014 Q&A. And for playing our game! You’re officially PAPER in any and all challenges. You may win, you may lose – who knows! This is how it works in the crazy world of the Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH!
For the rest of you don’t forget to check out I Shall Forget You Presently !
Horse Trade Theater Group will present the 8th Annual FRIGID New York Festival at The Kraine Theater (85 East 4th Street between 2nd Avenue and Bowery) and UNDER St. Marks (94 St. Marks Place between 1st Avenue and Avenue A) February 19-March 9. Tickets are available for purchase in advance at www.FRIGIDnewyork.info or by calling 212-868-4444.
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