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The Wild Project

Chris Tyler performing in an earlier workshop at Little Theatre in February (photo credit: Knud Adams)

  THIS IS A PLAY ABOUT BEING GAY Written and Directed by Teddy Nicholas Presented by the 2013 Fresh Fruit Festival All performances at The Wild Project 195 East 3rd Street New York, NY 10009 Ticket available for purchase by: “A three-act experimental gay identity politics play” Show Times: Tues 7/16/13 @ ... Read The Full Article...



Why would anyone want a job at The Hobby Lobby? A Parts-R-Us for those who can’t stop themselves from scapbooking, and otherwise decorating what is probably already an over-decorated house . . . The Hobby Lobby is a buzzing little hub of activity filled with the quaintest of characters. But again . . . why ... Read The Full Article...


I think it’s happened to all of us; there’s that one great memory – a perfectly time phrase at just the right moment, or a they’ll-never-believe-this experience you shared with someone, or a you-had-to-be-there anecdote that left the two of you shaking with laughter.  Years later you bring up the treasure to your partner in ... Read The Full Article...