The Happiest Ads
The Happiest Ads
The Happiest Ads

Umberto MacDougal

Because Frigid slots are limited to 60 minutes some shows have needed to trim their original running time.  Cutting down some of the material can sometimes break a beautifully crafted piece, as you just can’t fit it all in. Not so for Emleigh Wolf who has been bringing The Terrible Manpain of Umberto MacDougal to various ... Read The Full Article...


photo by brooke mcgowan

Every now and then an artist comes into your life whose music is so dynamic, powerful and moving that you just have to know the stories behind the songs.  When you’re lucky enough to know this artist personally, and he’s someone that you’ve always had a great time hanging out with, you’ve got no choice ... Read The Full Article...


Okay, so – yeah . . . maybe Alter Ego is actually not usually appropriate for children.  But you can be there, thinking of them!  Because this Sunday – December 19th Alter Ego is having a very special Toys for Tots benefit performance party  – at Fontana’s which is exactly the place you wanna be ... Read The Full Article...