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Win A Pair Of Tickets To The Soup Show!

by Antonio Miniño on March 1, 2010

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We Bathe, You Swallow

New York Neo-Futurists Desiree Burch, Cara Francis & Erica Livingston serve up a cure for what ails you in this Neo-Medicine show, performing in and around a giant pot of self-made soup. Bottling this soup, as well as a series of elixirs, potions, tonics and products, they heal and reveal the female experience live, honest and in the flesh.

Incorporating ingredients from interviews, living newspaper, personal stories, circus acts and freak shows, the women of The Soup Show ultimately feed their audiences with a question “How far has the women’s movement moved us?” The fierce trio honor the 30th Anniversary of Women’s History Month, and show you why the readers of the Village Voice named The New York Neo-Futurists “The 2009 Best Performance Artists in New York.”

ADVISORY: adult language and nudity.

One lucky grand prize winner will receive:

  • A pair of tickets to The Soup Show at HERE Arts Center, for Sunday, March 7th at 7:00 pm

To enter, correctly answer the following question:

Q. Who is the director for The Soup Show?

(Wanna cheat? The answer is at )

Email us your answer with your first and last name to, all entries must be received by Friday, March 5th at 10am.

Click here for contest guidelines.

Good luck!

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Anne JordanovaNo Gravatar March 5, 2010 at 1:37 pm

Oh, how interesting!

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