If you live in the New York City area then you have heard of DavidJr.Com. If you haven’t, you must have been sleeping.
A trademark within himself, David (Bates) set up his franchise with only one thing- himself. As a filmmaker, one of a million in New York, he needed to stand apart from the rest, and market himself, since no one else would listen. Oh boy, did he. The DavidJr bling belts he made out of thin air, have become available for purchase on his website, as well as t-shirts bearing his face image only.
That is all we need to know, right? No. It should also be noted this guy writes, directs, edits, and shoots (mainly improvises) ALL of his own material.
As the lead videographer for the NY based indie film company GEN ART for the last 5 years, David established himself as a force to be reckoned with- “Punking” celebrities before Ashton Kutcher-among those filmmaker Warner Herzog, and even former Vice President Al Gore- and writing, directing, shooting, and editing his mini masterpieces for the Gen Art Film Festival, as well as his own website, which has logged in millions of hits to date.
David also found himself filming a documentary this past year for Austin band “One-Eyed Doll” which won him several contests including the Talenthouse.com contest- where he will direct a music video for the legendary Rik Cordero.
Last year, I had the pleasure of accompanying him to Las Vegas, where Billboard (yet another contest he has conquered) sent us to see Lady Gaga, where we shot a 10 minute short film on Lady Gaga and the modeling industry called “Fame and Loathing in Las Vegas”.
So far, this small-town guy from Connecticut (whom I assume no one would listen to in a big city filled with struggling filmmakers) took fate into his own hands, and made us all listen- and laugh. We are all the ones now struggling to keep up with him.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Meet DavidJr.Com:
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