Benefiting: Pride For Youth & The Long Island Crisis Center
Produced by Off Sides Entertainment & Marketing, Inc.
Co-Produced by Ann Bass & The Lantern Theatre Co.
Music/Lyrics by William Finn
Book by James Lapine & William Finn
“Marvin wants it all: a loving ex-wife, an adoring son, and a handsome lover- all living together in harmony. Unfortunately, we don’t always get what we want. Add one psychiatrist and a couple of lesbians from next door, shake, and serve alongside a nation turning a blind eye to a spreading plague…”
Show Times:
- Wed 5/30/12 – 8:00pm
- Sat 6/2/12 – 8:30pm
- Sun 6/3/12 – 2:30pm
- Wed 6/6/12 – 6:00pm
- Mon 6/11/12 – 8:30pm
- Fri 6/15/12 – 5:00pm
Answers by Chris Leidenfrost-Wilson
(Co-producer, Assistant Director, Actor)
Karen Tortora-Lee’s Question
How did you come up with the title for your show?
Chris: Well, I think it has something to do with the “falseness” we put on to exist in a world that constantly turns against us– the way we hide or alter ourselves and live our lives to make us seem the way we want to be perceived – like a singer using their falsetto… That’s my interpretation. If you want the real answer, you’ll have to ask William Finn or James Lapine!
Diánna Martin’s Question
If you were going to invite 5 people (from the past or present) to see your show – who would you invite … and why?
Chris: 1) Harvey Milk – because I’m sure he would have connected deeply with the subject matter and laughed at all the jokes.
2) Lillian Hellman – I think it would be very cool for someone who forged the way for LGBT playwrights and plays in a time when doing such was illegal would be very intrigued by a piece that so dynamically explains the complexities of the modern homosexual relationship- and set it to music.
3) Any person who has lost someone to AIDS – This show exemplifies how the love of a family- be it traditional or not- can triumph over the tragedy of disease. It also touches on the heartbreak it causes, and celebrates and honors the pain of those left behind.
4) William Shakespeare – you know… because he’s William Shakespeare.
5) President Barack Obama – because he continues to strive towards great things for the LGBT community– moreso than any President before him. I’d be honored to have him at our show.
Antonio Minino’s Question
What is the biggest sacrifice you’ve made for your art and was it worth it?
Chris: Hmm… I married my co-producer/director. It’s hard sometimes, but totally, totally, totally worth it… (Love you, Rick!)
Geoffrey Paddy Johnson’s Question
Was there any unexpected discovery made during the development of this production and can you share it with us?
Chris: I think there were many. Our production has taken some liberties with the characters that I don’t think other productions of “Falsettos” have. We discovered a lot of hidden meanings in the use of flashlights (which appear several times throughout the show)… they represent everything from our stumbling to find our way in the dark of the world, to the eyes of our worst fears, to the countless souls lost to HIV/AIDS. This is such an unusual operetta– and we’ve capitalized on the interesting, surreal use of interior and exterior consciousness that the characters experience and share with the audience.
Michelle Augello-Page’s Question
What do you hope the audience receives from the experience of seeing this show?
Chris: I hope they either realize, or have reinforced, the notion that families come in all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds, and that love is the requirement to create one. I hope people walk away with sadness and with joy– even though the ending of “Falsettos” is heartbreaking, the memories of the good moments the characters share are what you should leave thinking about— just as one should do in life.
Planet Connections runs from May 30 – June 24 at The Bleecker Street Theater located at 45 Bleecker Street, New York, NY. To purchase tickets to this or any of the shows click here.
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