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Kathleen Warnock Goes To The Lilly Awards

by Karen Tortora-Lee on June 8, 2012

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There are several things we love around here.  We love the terrific Kathleen Warnock whose name pops up on THM from time to time because she is an amazing playwright, a fantastic person, and someone I’m proud to know.  Kathleen has that rare talent of being able to share her spirit in words that are raw and real – not overblown or over-dramatic.  And because of that she often makes me feel I know her so much better than I do.  But that’s her gift – and that’s our present.

We also love celebrating, and women … and celebrating women.  What better way to celebrate than with The Lilly Awards – named for Lillian Hellman and started in the Spring of 2010 as a way to honor the work of women in the American Theater.

Kathleen attended the Lilly Awards and noted … “There was a delicious tension in the air as the women spoke of the need for self-recognition and celebration. The adjective “angry” was batted around, like a balloon, or a badge of honor. I’ve found that the word “angry,” depending on who is applying it, is often used as a weapon against someone who has a legitimate concern…or by someone who is frightened of what’s being said or asked.”

For the full re-cap of Kathleen’s experience continue reading at her site.  Find out all about her wonderful evening, the things she saw, the people she shared her night with … and find out who actually received an award!

To keep up with The Lilly Awards you can follow them on Facebook.

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