Ten Questions. Ten Answers. And one Big Surprise in the audience …
Outskirts of Eden
produced by Jodi Productions
In this one-act adaptation we find an Eden magical, menacing and alive with human feeling. We enter the very mind of Eve. Centuries later Adam is dead, Eve is pissed and good and evil are on the tongues of the tasters.
Show Info:
- Thu Feb 18, 2016 | 8:50PM
- Mon Feb 22, 2016 | 7:10PM
- Sun Feb 28, 2016 | 1:50PM
- Wed Mar 02, 2016 | 5:30PM
- Sun Mar 06, 2016 | 5:10PM
UNDER St. Marks New York, NY $12
Answers by Eva Dolan
(performer, producer)
1. Forget the PR version. When you’re talking to your friends, how do you explain this show to them?
Eva: Outskirts of Eden is a feminist retelling of the Eve and Adam story, set in the here and now. Eve has been around since (almost) the beginning of time. We have live musical accompaniment: wind and percussion. I adapted it from Edward Le Comte’s novel, ‘I, Eve’.
2. Here’s a scenario: After the show some audience members go have a drink. What’s the part of the show you hope they’re discussing?
Eva: The live original music working together with the language to tell this tale.
3. What drives your show – character, theme or plot?
Eva: As I play Eve, I tend to feel my character drives the play, but so do the timeless themes of mortality, questionable morality and the nature of sin.
4. In rehearsals, read-thrus, or prior incarnations, what’s the one thing someone said about the show so far that made you (or the team) the most proud?
Eva: “Dolan captures the innocence and desire of the original Earth Mother and temptress. It is a remarkable performance, full of the sinuosity of the dancer and the silences of the actress. Dolan makes Eve at once natural and sophisticated; ancient and modern; an icon and flesh.” -James Yeara, Metroland Magazine, Albany, NY
5. If money and resources (and even reality) were no object what is the most lavish, luxurious, pointless prop, costume, effect – anything – that you would spend money on for this show?
Eva: I would like to fly…no wires, just wings.
6. What’s the one thing you’re looking forward to regarding the FRIGID Festival itself?
Eva: This is my first festival and I am excited to see other people’s shows and just soak in all the radiating creative energy!
7. Is there a scene, a moment, a gesture … anything at all in the show that you anticipate may get a completely different reaction depending on the audience that night?
Eva: God’s sense of humor.
8. What’s your favorite line from the show?
Eva: “For unspeakable seconds I had God’s view,” is great fun to say!
9. What’s the last thing you usually do before the beginning of a show?
Eva: Stretch out my jaw!
10. You scan the audience and you see a face that stops you dead in your tracks – who is it? And why are you shocked?
Eva: I would be seeing the director, Jonathan Foster, sitting, so handsome, smiling and still. I would be shocked because he died from AIDS 21 years ago, but his spirit has been with me throughout this creative process and I expect through these performances as well.
Well, Eva, I’ve no doubt that if you feel his spirit that strongly, you may just be able to bring up his face as well … if only in your mind’s eye.
The rest of you – don’t forget to check out Outskirts of Eden.
Horse Trade Theater Group will present the 10th Annual FRIGID New York Festival at The Kraine Theater (85 East 4th Street between 2nd Avenue and Bowery) and UNDER St. Marks (94 St. Marks Place between 1st Avenue and Avenue A) February 16-March 6. All shows run 60 minutes, or less. Tickets are available for purchase in advance at http://www.horsetrade.
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