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D’yan Forest


Ten Questions. Ten Answers. And one Big Surprise in the audience … A Broad Abroad! 8 Decades of Music, Madness, and “Foreign Affairs.” Classy comedic “Femme Fatale,” D’yan Forest brings you her new show, A Broad Abroad to the New York Frigid Festival. The solo show takes you on her adventures, which began in Paris in ... Read The Full Article...


People are always telling D’yan Forest to “act her age.” For her, that is simply unacceptable. At 77 years young, when D’yan has seen, experienced, and gone to bed with so much of the world, she simply hasn’t been able to settle into her age. In I Married a Nun!, running at UNDER St. Marks, ... Read The Full Article...


Five Questions. Five Answers. And One Big Decision: Rock, Paper, Or Scissors?   I Married A Nun! A one-woman show that dramatically depicts D’yan’s search for love and meaning in life, finding the answers—at age 77—in the smoldering cabarets and demimonde of Paris. With humor, art and her ukulele, she reveals the truth that’s valid ... Read The Full Article...