Susanne Sulby writer, actor, co-director,
Andrea Haring co-director
An exploration of the struggles and tragedies of war and our need for sanctuary. A fast paced energetic multi media exploration of the roles we have played in war throughout time. Multiple characters expose the connections of fear, bigotry, power and religion with war and how they find sanctuary from it.
Show Times:
- Monday, 1/16 @ 9pm
- Wednesday, 1/18 @ 6pm
- Friday, 1/20 @ 7:30pm
Answers by Susanne Sulby (writer, actor, co-director)
Karen Tortora-Lee’s Question
This is an international festival. What part of the world are you coming from … and will your show tantalize the NYC audience with a taste of your nation’s culture?
Susanne Sulby: Though this is an International show I am from the US. Sanctuary is about our Universal experience as women in relation to war. This Story is told through the eyes of the three main characters, the house wife, an international war correspondent and Sanja Sihilovic a POW in Bosnia. ‘Sanctuary’ exposes the connection of fear, bigotry, power and religion to war throughout history and across the world. Using multiple characters, Film projection, movement and sound, I explore the human tragedy of war as well as the roles and responsibilities of individuals in the conflict of nations. Sanctuary makes immediate on the stage some of the most pertinent issues of our time.
Dianna Martin’s Question
Who is the greatest inspiration to you artistically?
Susanne Sulby: My teachers have always been my biggest inspiration. Currently Andrea Haring, my director, and Master Linklater, teacher, has inspired me to create challenging and specific work. Kristin Linklater has also inspired me to understand the importance of my voice in the world! Theatrically, I am inspired by so many people; of course incredible actors like Glenn Close who is able to manage a stage and screen career with ease, but also incredible women writers like Theresa Rebeck or the incredible Wendy Wasserstein.
Geoffrey Paddy Johnson’s Question
What emerged as the greatest challenge during the development of this production?
Susanne Sulby:Time. Time is always the challenge. (And of course money!) When I found that I would be performing this piece it was early December and I knew that I wanted to rewrite some of it and explore the positive changes that have happened in the world since its first production. To discover more hope and beauty. So, much of our time was spent developing those ideas.
Antonio Minino’s Question
You’re in Times Square surrounded by the best Broadway houses and highest selling entertainment in the world. What resources are you utilizing to spread the word about your show and get butts in seats?
Susanne Sulby: We have used as many ways as we can afford, post cards mailings, and drop offs, PR contacts with local writers, the web, e-mails, social networking sites and word of mouth from friends.
Sanctuary Susanne Sulby writer, actor, co-directorAndrea Haring co-director Run time: 65 min | Country: USA | Genre: Drama, Solo show Website: sanctuarytheplay.com Venue: Stage IV, Roy Arias Studios and Theaters Time: Mon 16th@9:00pm | Wed 18th@6:00pm | Fri 20th@7:30pm CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS
Roy Arias Theaters 300 West 43rd Street 5th Floor New York , New York 10036 8th Avenue
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